
How you can bypass unlock immobilizer for Volkswagen Audi Skoda Chair

    Volkswagen Audi Skoda Chair immobilizer locked? How you can unlock it? Within the following parts, I take Audi Skoda Chair Volkswagen ByPASS immobilizer Simulator ECU Unlock chair occupant detector for instance.

Using Volkswagen Audi Skoda Chair immobilizer unlock tool:

1. Switch on the ignition switch

2. Connect the unit towards the diagnostic plug

3. Brought is blinking fast, if after about a minute it'll blink gradually then disconnect device then immo is switch off permanently. Whether it won't work on very first time, then repeat steps from beginning.

Gasoline, diesel without CAN(to around 2001)-emergency start(1)



Interact with the mind from the cables plugs from the instrument cluster or immo as pictured

Connect the unit to diagnostic plug

Switch on ignition(to ten seconds)

If brought blink gradually then switch on the vehicle.

Gasoline,diesel without can(to around 2001) emergency begins after hooking up hooks of instrument cluster or immo

Interact with the heads from the cables hooks from the instrument cluster




Connect the heads from the cables to fifth pin in eco-friendly plug of instrument cluster and 25th within the blue plug(in Audi pin 28)

With immo box:

plug with 6pins, heads from the cables to pin 2 and three



Plug with 8pins, heads from the cables to pin 7 and eight


Plug with 12pins, heads from the cables to pin 9 and 10




Plug with 10pins(older cars without CAN) heads from the cables to pin 7 and eight



Plug with 12pins, heads from the cables to pin 6 and eight




mmobilizers Simulator

Hooking up the emulator




Whitened-CAN L

Black-CAN H

Two Leds incidcating:

Whilte Brought-Energy

Blue Brought- details about transmission

- all switches switch off- diagnostic mode 2 sec don't light/ 1 sec will blink

-Modifying towards the driver-blinking 1 sec

-After modifying 2 seconds is light on after which stop for 1 sec



